Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!!

I hope everyone's new year is off to a great start! Our holiday season, for the first time in two years, was without any medical procedures. All I can say to that is Thank the LORD!! The last 2 years we have had 2 foot surgeries, gall bladder surgery, and a scare with colon cancer. God layed his hand on us, and took care of everything!

This year I am planning on listening to God more. To help me do this, I recently purchased "Discerning the Voice of God, How to Recognize When God Speaks" by Priscilla Shirer. I am so excited about reading this book. I feel it will answer my questions on is that really God talking to me, or do I just think He is because no one else will volunteer for this? This has been my question for a while, and I just don't know..I'll let you know what I figure out.

I am also planning on eating healthier, and becoming healthier. This will make me feel better all the way around. I have to get me healthy because I am setting a bad example for my children. They eat what I eat, and drink what I it is time I change. I am not getting any younger. I have a feeling this will be a slow process, but we will get there.

These are my two major goals for this year. I also have the same ones that I have every year like..keeping up with the laundry (I have all the laundry done right now!), keeping the house cleaner, so on and so forth...we will see how those go!

Also, I am asking you to keep my Haley Brooke in your prayers. Many of you know, I passed on my scoliosis gene to her. (Sorry sweety!) Her curve has been holding it's own at 18 degrees for about 2 years now. But (big word) she has started her growth spurt, and to me, her back is looking more curvier, and she has been complaining of it hurting. We go Scottish Rite on January 20th for her check up. I know that is a long way to go for seeing the Dr. about 10 minutes, but (big word again) it has the leading research facility for scoliosis. We are part of the study, and that is how I found out we actually have the genetic marker. If her curve progresses to 20-25 degrees, we are looking at wearing a brace. Believe me, that is no fun, especially for a pre-adolescent girl who is already going through many changes, both physically and emotionally. Just keep Haley in your prayers that God will give her the strength and understanding for this journey.

I hope everyone had a great break. School starts back tomorrow. I don't know if I will be able to get up, but I imagine I'll be pretty tired tomorrow! Have a Great Year everyone!

One last thing..Congratulations to Shawn and Shaley and their new baby girl!

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